
Monday, July 11, 2011

The Runner

W went up to the mountain village again this week to solidify our plans for the women's health classes we are teaching. The village didn't like my name so they gave me a new one... Khalai, meaning beautiful. I know, exactly what my parents should have named me in the states.

On our way home from the village the kids were just getting out of school. The village is a couple hour hike from the closest road so most of the kids have never seen white people. They were terrified of us. We got some good entertainment from running at the mob of black faces and watching them scatter. The best reaction I had was when I walked behind one of the kids and turned him around. The moment he saw my face he screamed, B lined it towards the side of the mountain and started sprinting down the mountain through the jungle. I watched him for a couple minutes to see if he would ever stop but he didn't. Just kept running and running. He is probably still out in the jungle running as we speak.

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